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2024 Fall Convention & Tradeshow

Sessions & Speakers

Monday, November 4

Session Details

November 4, 8:30 am – 4:00 pm, Salon 2

Municipalities are about delivering the services that support safe, healthy and prosperous communities, and council’s role in this process is to decide what services are needed, what level they need to be delivered at, and what methods of delivery best fit the needs of the community. The EOEP’s Council’s Role in Service Delivery course will provide an overview of the various services and delivery mechanisms available to municipalities, the pros and cons of each, and how councils can made educated decisions related to service delivery.



Alberta Police Based Victim Services Association (APBVSA)

The APBVSA is an accredited non-profit organization of Victim Service Units (VSUs). The association promotes proactive leadership by providing professional development, education, minimum core training standards, mentoring, and advocacy to programs providing services to victims of crime and tragedy.

Lori Rehill, past president of the APBVSA, will present an overview of the critical work that VSUs do across the province. She will also share her personal encounter with victim services 20 years ago that led her to passionately serve in various VSU positions from volunteer to president of the APBVSA.

Session Details

November 4, 8:30 am – 4:00 pm, Salon 3

Municipal councils are elected to make decision on behalf of citizens. However, in order to govern effectively and make decisions that are in the best interest of the diverse communities within municipalities, councils must be willing to consider the community’s perspectives and input when making decisions. The EOEP’s Council’s Role in Public Engagement course will provide an overview of the various ways municipalities can engage with citizens, how public input can be integrated into decision-making, the dangers and limits of involving the public in municipal decisions, and the importance of engagement in supporting sustainable community development.



The RMA Quasi-Judicial Agency Member Committee was formed in May 2023 and has worked diligently over the past six months to develop a report examining the approval process used by the AER, AUC and NRCB, and how each intersects with local land use planning and decision-making. This report includes several recommendations to both regulators and the provincial government to improve municipal input into approval processes and increased accountability on regulators who are meant to protect the public interest.

The RMA members who participated in QJAC committee include:

  • Chair: Jason Schneider, District 1 Director
  • District 1: Kelly Christman, County of Newell
  • District 2: Brent Ramsay, Red Deer County
  • District 3: Doug Drozd, County of Barrhead
  • District 4: Tyler Airth, Big Lakes County
  • District 5: Cindy Trautman, Camrose County

Session Details

November 4, 8:30 am – 4:00 pm, Salon 8

The key work of any municipal council is done in the setting of a properly called meeting. It is through the process of deliberation (debate) that decisions are made… from approving land use to creating a new bylaw or in response to your unique public concerns. The effectiveness of a municipal council is rooted in the successful work through a meeting format and to a large degree, the effectiveness of each council member is rooted in the same. The EOEP’s Effective Meetings course will help participants develop the skills, attitudes, and knowledge to significantly enhance meeting participation and effectiveness.



The RMA Quasi-Judicial Agency Member Committee was formed in May 2023 and has worked diligently over the past six months to develop a report examining the approval process used by the AER, AUC and NRCB, and how each intersects with local land use planning and decision-making. This report includes several recommendations to both regulators and the provincial government to improve municipal input into approval processes and increased accountability on regulators who are meant to protect the public interest.

The RMA members who participated in QJAC committee include:

  • Chair: Jason Schneider, District 1 Director
  • District 1: Kelly Christman, County of Newell
  • District 2: Brent Ramsay, Red Deer County
  • District 3: Doug Drozd, County of Barrhead
  • District 4: Tyler Airth, Big Lakes County
  • District 5: Cindy Trautman, Camrose County

Tuesday, November 5

Session Details

November 5, 8:40 – 8:55 am, Hall D

Presented by the University of Alberta School of Public Health, this session will address what is needed to develop equitable access to mental health and substance use support services in rural and remote areas. The workshop will feature subject matter experts sharing statistics and relevant information on this issue, as well as insight from individuals with lived experiences with addiction and mental health struggles in rural Alberta.


Danielle Smith

Premier of Alberta

Danielle Smith was sworn in as Alberta’s 19th Premier on October 11, 2022. The Premier chairs cabinet and chooses Alberta’s cabinet ministers, who are in charge of specific ministries.

Session Details

November 5, 9:00 – 10:00 Am, Hall D

Presented by the University of Alberta School of Public Health, this session will address what is needed to develop equitable access to mental health and substance use support services in rural and remote areas. The workshop will feature subject matter experts sharing statistics and relevant information on this issue, as well as insight from individuals with lived experiences with addiction and mental health struggles in rural Alberta.


Peter Mansbridge

Award-winning Journalist, Former Chief Correspondent for CBC News & Anchor of The National

Peter Mansbridge is best known for his five decades of work at the CBC where he was Chief Correspondent of CBC News and anchor of The National for thirty years. He has won dozens of awards for outstanding journalism, has thirteen honorary doctorates from universities in Canada and the United States, and received Canada’s highest civilian honour, the Order of Canada. Through his unique journalistic lens, Mansbridge takes audiences on a journey through our shared national story and heritage, sharing lessons on how to cultivate trust and lead through extraordinary times.

Wednesday, November 6

Session Details

November 6, 10:30 - 11:00 AM, Hall D

Rural municipalities play a critical role in supporting Alberta’s economy. Without the massive road, bridge, and infrastructure network maintained by rural municipalities, industries such as oil and gas, agriculture, forestry, and renewable energy would face significant challenges in accessing natural
resources and markets.

Alberta’s rural municipalities maintain one of Canada’s largest municipal infrastructure inventories with a limited set of revenue-generating tools and inadequate funding support from other levels of government. As a result of these funding limitations, rural municipal infrastructure is gradually degrading, posing risks to both rural communities and Alberta resource industry sectors. While this is well-known among municipal decision-makers, the extent of the rural municipal infrastructure deficit is less clear.

The RMA’s Rural Municipal Infrastructure Deficit Project seeks to change this by putting a dollar value on the underfunding of rural municipal infrastructure to support provincial
and federal decision-makers in making informed funding decisions.



Alberta Police Based Victim Services Association (APBVSA)

The APBVSA is an accredited non-profit organization of Victim Service Units (VSUs). The association promotes proactive leadership by providing professional development, education, minimum core training standards, mentoring, and advocacy to programs providing services to victims of crime and tragedy.

Lori Rehill, past president of the APBVSA, will present an overview of the critical work that VSUs do across the province. She will also share her personal encounter with victim services 20 years ago that led her to passionately serve in various VSU positions from volunteer to president of the APBVSA.

Session Details

November 6, 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM, Hall D




Alberta Police Based Victim Services Association (APBVSA)

The APBVSA is an accredited non-profit organization of Victim Service Units (VSUs). The association promotes proactive leadership by providing professional development, education, minimum core training standards, mentoring, and advocacy to programs providing services to victims of crime and tragedy.

Lori Rehill, past president of the APBVSA, will present an overview of the critical work that VSUs do across the province. She will also share her personal encounter with victim services 20 years ago that led her to passionately serve in various VSU positions from volunteer to president of the APBVSA.

Session Details

November 6, 2:15 - 3:30 PM, Salon 4

Sponsored by Aquatera

Developing an effective code of conduct approach is an ongoing challenge for many municipalities across the province. Leduc County recently amended its code of conduct bylaw to focus on accountability and effective governance while discouraging inappropriate conduct. The bylaw includes an informal complaint process, as well as the potential requirement for a complaint to go to a facilitator before initializing a formal investigation. Leduc County’s new approach also requires the appointment of an independent Ethics Commissioner to oversee and facilitate the complaint process. 

This workshop will feature Leduc County’s mayor, a member of senior staff, and their appointed Ethics Commissioner, who will share reasoning for the process amendments, how the amendments have improved council governance, as well as provide advice and guidance to other municipalities interested in exploring a similar approach.



Alberta Police Based Victim Services Association (APBVSA)

The APBVSA is an accredited non-profit organization of Victim Service Units (VSUs). The association promotes proactive leadership by providing professional development, education, minimum core training standards, mentoring, and advocacy to programs providing services to victims of crime and tragedy.

Lori Rehill, past president of the APBVSA, will present an overview of the critical work that VSUs do across the province. She will also share her personal encounter with victim services 20 years ago that led her to passionately serve in various VSU positions from volunteer to president of the APBVSA.

Session Details

November 6, 2:15 - 3:30 PM, Salon 8

Sponsored by ATCO

Municipal leaders increasingly have to manage traumatic events and crises that can leave communities feeling shaken, afraid, and uprooted. It’s hard to know how to lead during these incredibly challenging situations. This workshop will cover how to take care of elected officials own mental health during crises, and how to lead in ways that helps restore a sense of safety in the community. Attendees will leave with an understanding of how to lay a healthy, productive, and forward-looking groundwork for future community growth and development.



Alberta Police Based Victim Services Association (APBVSA)

The APBVSA is an accredited non-profit organization of Victim Service Units (VSUs). The association promotes proactive leadership by providing professional development, education, minimum core training standards, mentoring, and advocacy to programs providing services to victims of crime and tragedy.

Lori Rehill, past president of the APBVSA, will present an overview of the critical work that VSUs do across the province. She will also share her personal encounter with victim services 20 years ago that led her to passionately serve in various VSU positions from volunteer to president of the APBVSA.

Session Details

November 6, 2:15 - 3:30 PM, Salon 12

Sponsored by ServiceMaster

The forestry industry plays a key role in the economic development and the sense of community in many rural municipalities. This workshop explores the industry’s relationship with municipalities and celebrates the Mackenzie region being named the Forestry Capital of Canada for 2024.



Alberta Police Based Victim Services Association (APBVSA)

The APBVSA is an accredited non-profit organization of Victim Service Units (VSUs). The association promotes proactive leadership by providing professional development, education, minimum core training standards, mentoring, and advocacy to programs providing services to victims of crime and tragedy.

Lori Rehill, past president of the APBVSA, will present an overview of the critical work that VSUs do across the province. She will also share her personal encounter with victim services 20 years ago that led her to passionately serve in various VSU positions from volunteer to president of the APBVSA.

Session Details

November 6, 3:45 - 5:00 PM, Salon 4

Sponsored by Tiger Calcium Services Inc.

In recent years, many RMA members have experienced challenges in having their voices heard within approval processes for provincially-regulated developments. This workshop, led by Brownlee LLP, will provide municipalities with an overview of how regulatory hearings (such as those run by the AUC, LPRT, NRCB, etc.) typically function and how municipalities can prepare and participate effectively. Given Brownlee’s extensive experience participating in regulatory hearings, this workshop will provide participants with valuable insights and legal perspectives on hearing processes, and touch on areas such as common rules of practice, witness preparation, proceedings, arguments and reply arguments.



Alberta Police Based Victim Services Association (APBVSA)

The APBVSA is an accredited non-profit organization of Victim Service Units (VSUs). The association promotes proactive leadership by providing professional development, education, minimum core training standards, mentoring, and advocacy to programs providing services to victims of crime and tragedy.

Lori Rehill, past president of the APBVSA, will present an overview of the critical work that VSUs do across the province. She will also share her personal encounter with victim services 20 years ago that led her to passionately serve in various VSU positions from volunteer to president of the APBVSA.

Session Details

November 6, 3:45 - 5:00 PM, Salon 8

Sponsored by RBC

This workshop walks participants through how to use the Alberta Fire Services Core Competency Framework, which is a free online risk management framework tool designed to assist fire departments and councils across Alberta. This tool is continuously updated to remain current with legislation, industry best practices, and emerging trends. It serves multiple purposes, including gap analysis, strategic planning, and compliance and standards. Participants are encouraged to bring a laptop/tablet to try out this tool live in action.



Alberta Police Based Victim Services Association (APBVSA)

The APBVSA is an accredited non-profit organization of Victim Service Units (VSUs). The association promotes proactive leadership by providing professional development, education, minimum core training standards, mentoring, and advocacy to programs providing services to victims of crime and tragedy.

Lori Rehill, past president of the APBVSA, will present an overview of the critical work that VSUs do across the province. She will also share her personal encounter with victim services 20 years ago that led her to passionately serve in various VSU positions from volunteer to president of the APBVSA.

Session Details

November 6, 3:45 - 5:00 PM, Salon 12

Sponsored by Cooperatives First

Municipalities are implementing new processes to streamline their operations to provide improved service to their residents and businesses. The workshop will showcase RMA members who have taken an innovative approach to reducing red tape and provide an opportunity for members to learn from their peers.



Alberta Police Based Victim Services Association (APBVSA)

The APBVSA is an accredited non-profit organization of Victim Service Units (VSUs). The association promotes proactive leadership by providing professional development, education, minimum core training standards, mentoring, and advocacy to programs providing services to victims of crime and tragedy.

Lori Rehill, past president of the APBVSA, will present an overview of the critical work that VSUs do across the province. She will also share her personal encounter with victim services 20 years ago that led her to passionately serve in various VSU positions from volunteer to president of the APBVSA.

Thursday, November 7

Session Details

November 7, 8:55 - 9:05 am, Hall D

Presented by the University of Alberta School of Public Health, this session will address what is needed to develop equitable access to mental health and substance use support services in rural and remote areas. The workshop will feature subject matter experts sharing statistics and relevant information on this issue, as well as insight from individuals with lived experiences with addiction and mental health struggles in rural Alberta.


Ric McIver

Minister of Municipal Affairs

Ric McIver was sworn in as the Minister of Municipal Affairs on June 9, 2023. He previously served as the Minister of Transportation, Minister of Infrastructure, Minister of Jobs, Skills, Training and Labour, and Minister of Municipal Affairs.

Prior to his service as an elected official at the provincial level, Mr. McIver served 3 terms on Calgary City Council. During that time, he served on the Police Commission and as Chair of the Calgary Housing Company, among many committee assignments. He has been a Calgary Stampede volunteer for over 15 years.

Mr. McIver is a husband, father, and grandfather who is active on several charitable and community causes. He chose Alberta as his home in 1981 and has been a proud resident since that time.

Ric McIver was first elected as the Member of the Legislative Assembly for Calgary-Hays on April 23, 2012 and was re-elected on May 5, 2015, April 19, 2019, and May 29, 2023.